Bleaklow Camping Meet 16/08/2024 - 18/08/2024

Rock climbing, exploring, camping
The aim of the meet is to visit the major crags of Bleaklow and Longendale in the northern Peak. The main crags are Shining Clough and Laddow, with the lesser crags of Bareholme and Tintwhistle Knarr still worth a visit. This is a fair-weather venue, for high summer and blue skies. There are brilliant climbs to be experienced; Shining Clough especially has a good number of outstanding 3-star routes. The crags are rarely busy as they do involve a walk-in of about 60 minutes – but relative solitude and no queues are the rewards – as well as no polish.

Guidebooks: Crags, Western Grit (Rockfax); BMC Kinder (which includes the many lesser crags, some closer to the parking, which is ample).

There are no huts nearby, so camping is available at Crowden>
( or Crossgate Farm, nearer to Glossop

There are a number of hostelries nearby for food etc

Crowden_Camping_and_Caravanning_Club_Site-Glossop_Derbyshire_England.html), the nearest shops are in Tintwwistle, about I mile from the campsite in Crowden.

As it is camping, this will be a self-catering and self-booking meet, just let the meet organiser know you are coming so that people can arrange to meet up for climbing, etc.
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