Getting Involved
The MMC welcomes mountaineers of all abilities. You don't have to be a rock climber to be a member, keen hill walkers are also welcome. We are a social mountaineering club rather than a training organisation so it is your responsibility to gain the necessary fitness and foundation of skills for rock and mountain. We can recommend providers and, of course, you will develop those skills as you go out in the company of experienced members.
We also have mountain bikers, wild campers, fell runners and ski tourers in the club, so many outdoor interests are covered.
To participate in club activities in mountainous areas you will be expected to have some hill walking experience and basic navigation skills. Rock climbing activities will require you to be able to belay and have the appropriate ropework skills. For winter activities it is essential for you to bring the appropriate equipment (ice axe, crampons, goggles and warm clothing) and have the skills to use it.
If you've had a good look around the site and you're still keen to get involved then there are a couple of ways to get in touch with us.
The easiest thing to do is get in contact with the The Membership Secretary who will be happy to talk you through the membership process. Before applying to join the club you are encouraged to (informally) meet some of the members to ask any questions and get to know a few people.
Meeting at the Climbing Wall