Tizourgane, Morocco 23/11/2024 - 30/11/2024

Mountaineering & Exploring
String vests de rigueur!

Flights: Manchester to Agadir

Manchester (Terminal 1) to Agadir (Terminal 1)
EZY2285 flight
Departs: Sat 23 Nov 2024 13:40
Arrives: Sat 23 Nov 2024 18:40

Agadir (Terminal 1) to Manchester (Terminal 1)
EZY2286 flight
Departs: Sat 30 Nov 2024 20:30
Arrives: Sat 30 Nov 2024 23:25

Opportunities for independent rock climbing, scrambling and walking.

(N.B. Jabs are recommended, Hep A, Typhoid, Tetanus all free on NHS. Also, Rabies is advised, but is not free- although most of the group are opting out of this as there's a need to seek post- exposure treatment anyway).

We will be staying half-board at Kasbah Tizourgane (tizourganekasbah@yahoo.fr).

easyJet Flights, Manchester to Agadir, are now available, then car hire... or, alternatively, make it into a longer trip and drive/ go by train.

The suggestion is for people to group up in fours/ fives (car hire number) then book accommodation after flights are booked.

easyJet flights approx £170 RTN, & 23kg baggage allowance, are available to book now (N.B. people could possibly share hold baggage allowance to make flight cheaper...weigh your gear to see if it's feasible!).
Grid Ref:
North Africa
4+ remaining
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