Annual General Meeting, 19:30 The Ship & Mitre Pub 15/11/2024 - 15/11/2024

Club matters
A chance to have your say in the running of your club and to vote on a variety of issues... and to enjoy a wide selection of quality beers!

AGM 7.30pm- No need to book as this is an open invitation to all club members.

Please make every effort to attend, especially if you're a member of the committee. If unable, please offer your apologies to the Club's Secretary.

A selection of sandwiches to follow and, while we're munching, we will be entertained with your best pics of the year [bring your memory sticks if you can].

[N.B. Proposals for rule changes, and for any discussion topics, should be submitted not less than 4 weeks prior to the meeting, i.e. before 15th October].
Grid Ref:
The Ship & Mitre Pub, Liverpool
30+ remaining
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